Friday 27 March 2009

At Least One English Bishop With A Backbone...

Bishop O'Donoghue continues to be the lone voice from the Bishops' Conference prepared to speak out on matters of importance.

Heirs to the throne being allowed to marry Catholics is not a life-and-death issue.

Abortion IS.

I don't often cut and paste complete texts (my posts are long enough without that!), but Bishop O'Donoghue's statement really does deserve to be read in full...

"It has been widely reported in the media that the Advertising Standards Authority is considering allowing the abortion industry to advertise through the broadcasting media. This deeply damaging proposal originates from the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health & HIV and therefore comes from the heart of the abortion industry – threatening yet another hammer-blow to the sanctity of human life in this country.

"I am appalled that this proposal will result in the deaths of many more preborn children and cause untold harm to women. As a society, we need to wake up and stop treating abortion as a quick-fix solution to pregnancy and offer compassionate and practical support to women facing crisis pregnancies. The Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative in Scotland is a shining example of the Church and others reaching out to pregnant women who find themselves isolated and frightened, offering emotional support and practical help such as liaising with families and providing financial assistance to women in need.

"The killing of the innocent can never be a genuine solution to a problem. I urge all those who care about the sanctity of human life to voice their opposition to this proposal with one voice. At the same time, please consider lending your support to our pro-life organizations that care about mothers and their preborn children."

The Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative is the same one run by the Sisters of the Gospel of Life.

Jane Teresa's post gives details of how to respond to the consultation process, so there is some concrete action which can be taken.

Time to unleash the power of the blog...

Twitch of the mantilla to His Hermeneuticalness.

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