Monday 2 February 2009

More Snow...

As I suspected, snow has brought the south of England grinding to a complete halt. All London buses have been withdrawn from service due to dangerous and adverse weather conditions. Trains and tubes have also been affected.

Normally, bad weather sets in after I've gone to work, resulting in a difficult journey in to school, followed by more than a few hours spent trying to get back home. Today, I found out that school is closed for the day before I left home. Snow day! Woo hoo!!

Just so any of my readers from across the pond can see what "adverse weather" is considered to be in the UK, I wrapped up warmly and went outside to take a few photos.

This one was taken from the courtyard outside my block of flats...

This next one was from the entrance to the courtyard looking out onto the street...

And this is looking down the road. I'd just like to point out that this is a major bus route, and normally there would be big double-decker buses driving down here...

I then ventured round to the back of the block, as Sylvester's wooden ledge had several inches of snow piled on it and it needed to be cleared (the cat flap is in the kitchen window because I don't have a back door.) For some strange reason, Sylvester seems reluctant to step onto a snow-covered ledge...


  1. Can you send some to us Aussie suffering in over 40C heat :-)

  2. I am going to use one of your pictures as a screen backdrop so that at least I can *think* cool....

  3. Hi Mac, normally our road is also busy from around 7am and we can hear the distant drone of those jet-prop aircraft from City Airport.

    Today - Nothing! Absolutely NADA!!! No airplane noises and virtually no traffic on our road. Schools closed and advice on the radio news is unless your journey is absolutely essential stay at home!

    Funny that. Those same radio stations that go on about CO2 emmissions, carbon footprints, make you feel guilty for driving a 4x4 and go on and on about global warming are now saying it's the coldest weather we've had here for decades!!!!! Something is not quite as it seems. Perhaps some 'bod' from the IPCC might like to comment and reassure us all that global warming WILL come soon!

    Perhaps Al Gore and his 'hot-housers' can muster up enough HOT Air to counter the icy blasts from Siberia. Could be the start of another 'Cold War'!

    God Bless.

    PS - To all reading this - if you have an elderly neighbour close by, just pop round if you can for a minute to make sure they are OK, are warm and have the basic provisions, you know, milk for the tea, bread etc...

  4. Nice photos. I may take some myself when I can get my wellies back on.

  5. Nice pics! Enjoy it while it lasts. [It's 71F, or 22C to you metric volken here, but I hesitate to mention it.)
