Thursday 5 February 2009

About Time For Another Cat Post...

Given my propensity to oversleep, I found this rather amusing. Unfortunately, I cannot blame Sylvester for doing anything of the sort... he would never do anything which might delay breakfast time!


  1. Mac,


    I once had a cat called Bosco who used to lick my closed eyelids to make me get up.

    Would you say your feline master fits any of the characters in T S Eliot's Practical Cats.
    In our current four we have,in order of seniority:
    A Gumbie Cat
    A Rum Tum Tugger
    A Lady Griddlebone
    A Macavity the Mystery Cat.

    Have a good weekend.

  2. This is quite funny. I'll have to pass it on to a friend of mine, who's retired. Her cats probably WOULD do something like this!
