Tuesday 20 January 2009

One In The Eye For The Trendy Lefty Liberals...

The Pope is a huge bugbear because he's soooooo dogmatic and dictatorial and, well, censorious! The Liberal lefties who read the Guardian and its ilk much prefer trendy gurus such as the Dalai Lama... unless they actually read what he says...

Twitch of the mantilla to the Creative Minority Report.


  1. Or is that the 'dail a lama'....oh sorry, just been visiting Fr Hermens blog and watched that Morton whatsisnames stand up on youtube. LOL!

  2. That was brilliant, amazing how the media controls what we think and believe.
    We should not only throw away the TV, we should also ban newspapers from the home, but then the internet is another source of misinformation. The one thing the media does not do is tell the truth - so why do we listen!!!!

    I guess we need to be discerning, but then you realise that there is a conspiracy out there???????

  3. Elizabeth - just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get us!

  4. I love this video! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous10:53 am

    Yeah, it's Saffran! Have you seen his talkshow with Father Bob?
