Sunday 18 January 2009

Lacking Inspiration...

I have been suffering from a distinct paucity of inspiration for the blog.

I am fed up to the back teeth with everything and anything to do with the iminent Inauguration of the US President, and would be quite happy, should it be possible to do so in a purely Christian manner, to see him and his new administration at the bottom of the Potomac. Sadly, I suspect that this is not a particularly charitable train of thought, and so have decided that I must eschew all radio contact with the outside world (I don't watch TV) until Wednesday.

Apart from the media hype and hysteria about Mr. Obama, the rest of the news is depressing in the extreme (please don't misunderstand me, the media hype and hysteria is also depressing, but at least the presenters sound slightly more cheerful.) I have found a little solace in cat pictures, marzipan, chocolate and German sausage, but I feel I have exhausted the blogging possibilities associated with these topics, at least for the time being.

It would seem that I'm not the only blogger to have been suffering from writers' block. Phil (he of the Ponte Sisto) was stumped for a topic on which to expound, and he decided to overcome the impediment by writing about a day in his life. He claimed that it was very uneventful and boring. Not so... In fact, his description of how he went to a photo booth in order to obtain a passport photo had me giggling, as it made me recall the Hamlet ads of my misbegotten youth...

Having worked out how to deselect the “fun” options – my face, superimposed on a bunny rabbit, or Madonna sat on my knee – I inserted the correct change and pressed the green button. It spoke! The machine spoke to me: “Please ensure that you are sitting comfortably and position your face in the orange circle”. I was a little too tall and attempted to lower the seat, but with no success. Having decided that the seat was stuck, I slouched down until my face fitted within the circle and my eyes were in line with the image on screen. It was only after the picture was taken, that I realized the camera was looking up my nose (due to the necessary slouching)

I thought that a reminder of the advert in question might prove to be a welcome diversion...

Normal blogging service will be resumed shortly...


  1. That was great, Mac! I'd forgotten that one. What happened to commercials, they used to be creative AND funny?

  2. That's hilarious. I have to steal this.

  3. Listen to Radio 3.

    Very short News and then back to the music. Anything can be going on in the big wide world and their celebration of the Haydn, Mendelssohn, Purcell, Handel Anniversarie will always be more interesting to the announcer.

  4. Anonymous8:06 am

    Mac, as of today I have gone a week without turning my tv on (although yesterday evening I really wanted to get home to watch NCIS :S ) and have consequently completely missed all the Inauguration Of The Saviour hype - for which I'm really rather glad, actually. I figure all the news that's really important to me I can get through blogs and maybe Zenit and so on, rather than the biased pile of poo that is the BBC (which I have been boycotting for months now).

    I've found that when I'm not endlessly sitting behind my new laptop, I - shock! - have time for, like, Vespers. And reading. system's still in shock about this, can you tell? :)

    I never know what to blog about anyway. I just click on "New Post" and let my fingers whitter away.

  5. Here's some light relief, a website all about cats!

    My favourite bit is the "Famous Felines" section, and the stories of Humphrey the Downing Street cat, Peter, the Home Office cat who nearly caused the Queen a great deal of embarrassment on Remembrance Day 1960, and Bill Clinton's friend Socks. The picture of the reporters trying to take Socks' photo is a hoot!

    Hope this inspires you:)
