Thursday 29 January 2009

I Am Loved...!

Despite the recent paucity of posts, or possibly because of it, Phil has taken pity on me, and has given me an award. It goes by the rather dubious name of "Lovey Award" - a phrase I associate with actors and their ilk - but the award actually says:

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

The difficulty is finding bloggers who haven't already received this one, especially as so many people have given out more than eight. I'm tempted to say "feel free to consider yourself given this" apart from the fact that no-one would want to seem to award it to themselves...

I will, however, make a valiant stab at passing it on. In no particular order, I'm passing the Lovey Award to...

Karen, the Gem of the Ocean, because we are so spookily similar (or so she says!)
Leutgeb, of Bara Brith (She loves the Holy Father and music, dislikes the BBC and is a teacher. She also bakes cakes. What more reason do you need?)
The Pastor in Valle at Valle Adurni, a nice surprise for when he gets back from holiday.
The Owl of the Remove, to show that I've forgiven him for not alerting me to his visit to Blighty (though I would probably have been too ill to meet up. But that's not the point!)
Newhousenewjob who's Just Doing My Best, and who possibly needs cheering up.
Fiorella, of the Monstrous Regiment of Women, because she's recovering from Woman flu (I refuse, on principle, to accept the term "person flu.")
Ukok, over at Ukok's Place, because she's having a difficult time, but is happy to share.
Fr. Dwight Longenecker, who's Standing on My Head, just because I want to...


  1. Thank you! I'm just passing through on my lunch break at the moment, but I promise I'll pass it on soon...

  2. You've cheered me up no end, chuck!

  3. Thanks, Mac; you're a Lovey too!
