Saturday 6 December 2008

A Sense Of Vocation...

Later this morning I am going to renew my vows.  I do this each year, even though I don't have to, because it helps to remind me that I have chosen to live my life as a single woman living and working in the world. Otherwise, because I have no "official" standing as a Religious or consecrated person, there might be a temptation to view my life in the single state as a sort of "default" option, that I'm single because I haven't married... the single life, as a vocation of choice outside Religious life or the Priesthood, doesn't often get mentioned.

In fact, the reality is that I felt a distinct call from God to make a sacrifice of my life, and dedicate it to Christ and his Church. It wasn't an easy decision to take, to relinquish all hopes of children and a family of my own, but I thank God for all the many blessings he has bestowed upon me since I first took my vows. 

Please say a prayer for me today, that I may be faithful.


  1. I will be praying for you. Thank God for the gift of your vocation. God bless!

  2. May God who is always faithful grant you, whom He has called, the gift of perseverance and fidelity to continue in His service.

  3. I will pray too, Mac. Wish I had been a Catholic when I was young. Perhaps then I might have taken those same vows.

    Rosemary in Missouri, U.S.A.

  4. Asking for the intercession of St Benedict for you.

    Just being nosy, are you, or have you considered, being an oblate or joining a 'third order', or if none of these do you feel an affiliation with any order / spirituality, e.g Benedictine, Franciscan, Ignatian, Dominican etc?

    Mind your own business is of course a perfectly acceptable answer!

  5. Absolutely - many prayers! Think how you are glorifying God through your sacrifice and setting an example of holiness for the rest of us.

  6. Congratulations on this special day, anyone who knows you will realise how much God's love is visible in what you say and do and how this has increased over the years, since you took your vows, It is a privilege to have you as a friend.

    God Bless Elizabeth and family

  7. Blessings, Mac! I'll pray for you too.

  8. Congratulations, and may God grant you perseverance.

  9. Thanks everyone! Cellarer, I don't feel called to any of the orders you mentioned: the nearest I got was the idea of becoming a consecrated woman, but the Vicar General, after having been quite encouraging, went very quiet after talking to the Archbishop. I did wonder if it had anything to do with the blog...

  10. Mac: I'm late but prayers chiming in here!

  11. Anonymous10:29 am

    God bless you, Mac! Hope it went well! :D
