Monday 29 December 2008

Blogging Hiatus...

I'm away for a couple of days, and I doubt I'll have time to blog. With any luck, I shall recover from my cold and return full of vim and vigour, ready to start the New Year blogging regularly on fascinating and important topics...

...then again, given that I'm about to venture forth into the wilds of Lancashire, which is somewhere up North, I shall probably suffer hypothermia and return with incipient pneumonia. That is assuming I don't get beaten to death by northerners who resent the comments about "the wilds" and "somewhere."

Watch this space...


  1. Anonymous6:48 am

    "I shall probably suffer hypothermia and return with incipient pneumonia."

    Don't joke about it, Mac! This nasty thing is moving into my chest!

  2. Good luck. I lived in Manchester for twenty-five years and suffered constantly with hypothermia and incipient pneumonia throughout that period. To ensure a cure, I had to move to Reading where I now merely suffer from boredom and wall-staring depression!

  3. Am a bit in hiatus meself Mac! Jenny Med student kindly brought us a cold/flu virus for Christmas & I'm feeling very forlorn! Hope you are feeling better soon..
