Monday 10 November 2008

And So It Begins...

... A snippet heard this morning on the radio.  Barack Obama's advisors are indicating that some of the first changes to be brought in include rescinding the ban on funding for organisations which promote reproductive "rights" (abortion) and allowing stem cell research.


  1. Well its no more than he promised.

  2. Gee, what a surprise. Auntie Beeb finally telling you what Nobama's all about? Yawn. [#2 on my list of people to despise are "in the tank" "reporters" who are nothing more than cheerleaders.] Will the last real reporter left please turn off the lights when you leave?

  3. Nobody that voted for him will "get it" until he comes for them. Then watch the worms scatter....

  4. That would be embryonic stem cell research...the ghoulish and ghastly kind of stem cell research. Adult stem cell research is yielding lots of therapies. But you don't hear much of them. No little embryos to destroy, only boring cells from already-born humans.

  5. He has promoted the murder of children in the womb and got away with it. His policies will kill black babies, too. Perhaps those who couldn't see beyond an African-American in the White House should remember that.

  6. Ponte,
    I spent the better part of an evening talking to several black people I work with about the racist origins of Planned Parenthood, about who Margaret Sanger was and why she supported abortion, about how 85% of abortion mills are in minority neighborhoods, etc.
    They were shocked, but not shocked enough to not vote for Obama.
    The genocide continues.

  7. ...because these are such important and urgent things to do while the world economy is tanking and people are losing their homes and livelihoods. Someone buy that man a fiddle and a packet of firelighters.

  8. One should not be surprised at all by this news, we are living through the end times. THere is much worse to come.

  9. Yes Ponte Sisto, perhaps starting with +Crispian Hollis. Check out the Diocese of Portsmouth homepage!

  10. Being my bishop and having suffered under him for so long, I didn't think he could stoop much lower, but this takes the biscuit:

    “With millions of others, I have been thrilled by Barack Obama’s victory and I thank God for it. For me, it represents a rare moment of hope and optimism which shows American democracy at its best and it is of seismic significance and potential for the whole global community. And so, more than ever now, he deserves and needs us to keep him in our prayers.” +Crispian

    Argh! That man!
