Sunday 5 October 2008

For Those Who Have Mastered Giving Their Cat A Pill...

I read this over at The Ironic Catholic, and she must be slightly off the wall on some sort of medication: giving the cat a bath is not something to be undertaken lightly (I have given Sylvester a bath, but that was because his digestive tract reacted very badly to travel on the Woolwich Ferry... and I held him down while my sister wielded the shower attachment...)

This is only part of the story...

"Some people say cats never have to be blessed. They say cats are spiritual goners from their first swat. Others, mostly calendar makers, find them akin to angels on earth, needing nothing in their inherent perfection. Others say if you can bless a plastic religious article bought at favorite Shrine X but made in China, you can certainly have a living, breathing cat blessed.

I've spent most of my life moving from one opinion to the other. But since my parish doesn't have a blessing of the animals on the Feast of St. Francis, I am reduced to covering my kitty's spiritual bases by blessing him informally, in my home, using water, prayer, and song. So on the eve of the Feast of St. Francis, I have some advice you might consider as you place your feline friend under your arm and head for the bathtub."


  1. Anonymous8:46 am

    Alas, we have never mastered giving Her Majesty a pill; instead, we rely on the spot-on applications from the vet. And H.M. has only been bathed once, if I recall correctly....

  2. Brave soul. Or have you vulcanized your body?

  3. Even the vet couldn't give one of my cats a pill. Not even with the assistance of a veterinary nurse (who had to retire from the fray in order to get her wounds bandaged). The only way to get him to take a bath would be under general anaesthetic...

  4. I would need a army task force on had before even contemplating administering a pill to Sir Oliver Badcat. Even worse the Hound wants everything that Badcat has so he just spits it out on the floor and she pounces on it and gulps it down instead. As Mark says thank goodness for Spot On treatments, ( though I'm not sure they are as effective).

  5. If done properly, cats actually like water. However I'm glad that most the time a bath is not necessary for kitties.

    As to the pills? Just grab the back on the neck and bend backwards until it looks like you are being very, very mean (it's not) Cats mouth falls open and pill goes down. It doesn't hurt to work fast. It works for 99.9 % of cats. I've worked for lots of vets and some of them don't even know how to do this.

    Now one of my doggies (pictured) is a completely different story. Give me a cat anytime over trying to do anything with that wilfull little twerp! Arrrgh!

  6. Not on meds, just off the wall. :) Glad you liked it.
