Friday 10 October 2008

A Bishop Who Takes His Role Seriously...

Wow ! Bishop O'Donoghue has really gone and done it again! Not only did he publish Fit For Mission? Schools, (for which he was hauled before a none-too-friendly and definitely disrespectful Parliamentary Committeeand, far from backing off, follow it up with Fit For Mission? Church, but he has also decided to tell his diocesan Social Care Agency exactly where they stand if they continue to disregard Catholic moral teaching.

And he hasn't tried to fudge the issue.

It rather puts the bishops down-South to shame, especially after they have caved in on the Adoption Agencies thing.  On a side note, it also makes the Southwark Diocese's Towards a Vision consultation exercise look pretty wishy-washy too!

Twitch of the mantilla to the South Ashford Priest.


  1. Off-topic, but I've just tried to link to the South Ashford Priest and find that the blog has been removed. Any idea if it's a temporary glitch, or has Fr Boyle discontinued his blog (pity if it's the latter).

  2. Sorry Monica - looks as if Fr John has discontinued his blog for the forseeable future
