Sunday 7 September 2008

Pondering Life's Imponderables...

Why is it that, when painting one's nails, "One Minute" nail polish will still be slightly wet after three hours?

And why, during this time, will it smudge or have bits gouged off, and when dry, will chip if you so much as brush against a hard surface, yet, when you actually try to remove the stuff with nail polish, it takes on the consistency of cement, and won't budge?

(It's been a while since I did a frivolous girly-nail post, and I have a reputation as a ditsy blonde to maintain...)


  1. Lovely hands and nails...

  2. It is the same law that dictates when you try to repair two pieces of a broken item with instant glue, it will require 4-5 weeks to dry. But put your fingers together with a bit of the same glue and they will be frozen together instantly.

  3. Exactly! And why is it that when you've deliberately allowed yourself a good 10 minutes when you don't need to touch anything after applying the said '1 minute' nail polish, your husband/son/daughter/friend asks, 'If you've got a minute would you mind just finding my bag/hat/some coins (from the most inaccessible place)??

  4. Mac, the trick is to put a VERY thin coat of nail polish on. Wait until that dries completely, then a second layer. Also, very thin.

    If you do a color, red especially, lay down a clear coat first, then red, then clear again. Simple. :-D

    [Hint a hair dryer, set at low speed and held away from the hand helps.]

    Take it from someone who did and no longer bothers with all that ****.

  5. Anonymous8:56 pm

    me and my daughter were having a very intense conversation about nail polish only the other day. See, i'm with Karen, in my experience it's best to put on a thin layer, wait for it to dry and the reapply again, and maybe even again....but she goes by the theory that if you apply it more thickly then you get better coverage and it takes a while to dry but looks better.

    Last week teen daughter wore yellow polish and i wore blue.

    I love nail polish!

    I'd never pay to have my nails done and so they do tend to be a little jagged and uneven even if i do manage to track down one of the fity thousand nail files we have scattered about the house.

    Pink is my absolute fave, but i quite like quirky colours too.

    Yay for frivolous posts!

  6. Ukok, the wondergirl will learn. Thick coats are ASKING for at least one of them not to dry right and then not only will there be a dent in the warpaint, but I guarantee it's going to get captain crunched in the bargain, and it will have to be removed entirely. Then when you're trying to use the remover from ONE nail, you'll get another nail messed up and have to do that one too. Wassamatter with kids today?

  7. It is called "having a blonde moment", dot being a ditsy blonde!!!!!

  8. No... my reputation is as a ditsy blonde... honest!

  9. Anonymous11:38 pm

    Karen, you are so right about that too! She has done that exact thing time and again and then had to remove all the polish from all finger nails and start again from scratch. She's barking mad (for a kid who just got 11 GCSE's! LOL!!!)
