Tuesday 23 September 2008

London Blognic

Fr. Tim and Fr. Z both advertised a London blognic for this evening.  I had been very keen to go, but work has been rather hectic of late, and I was so tired on Monday evening that I decided that I wouldn't go along.

This evening, I thought about it, and decided that it really would be a shame if, when lucky enough to have a blognic arranged practically on my doorstep, I didn't make the effort.  I knew vaguely where the pub was, and decided to use my sat-nav to help me hone in on the exact location.

My journey was a little slow - lots of traffic - but not as bad as the last time I drove into town.  And I found a parking space a street or so away... parking opposite the pub itself is discouraged by the presence of large men with guns... Petty France is round the back of the Horseguards' Barracks (at least, I think that's the one!)

I arrived about 7pm.  To my delight, I saw Damian Thompson, and was able to thank him in person for the plug on his blog... he grinned and told me that my piece on Womynpriests had upset a few people.  Fr. Tim was there, and of course, Fr. Zuhlsdorf.  I also finally got to meet Anna Arco, a leading journalist for the Catholic Herald (her excellent interview with Bishop O'Donoghue on his documents Fit for Mission? Schools and Fit for Mission? Church can be read HERE.)  I was amused to discover that, like me, Anna doesn't like having her photo taken either, so you'll have to make do with this one of the side/back of her head!

I found that quite a few bloggers and blog-commenters had been and gone by the time I arrived, but I was pleased to meet up with avid blog-commenters, Sir Dan of the Blogosphere, and Londiniensis.  Another priest present, who said some very kind things about my blog, was Fr. Young.  I tried to persuade him that starting his own blog would be very easy... but I'm not sure that I managed to convince him!

I see that Fr. Z has already posted a few photos from the blognic: you can find them HERE and HERE...


  1. You and I share something in common. I hate to have my picture taken also. Mostly this is because I take ugly pictures. I refuse to believe that I myself, might be unattractive. Its that darn camera!

  2. I do agree about Fr William Young; I think he would say many sage things.
