Sunday 17 August 2008

OK... Too Much Serious Stuff...

What with toothache, the Mahoneyfest and ICEL, I need cheering up! Luckily, Adrienne was on hand to find the funny cat posters!

Some of my favourites:




You can find more cat pictures via the link.

Say a prayer for me Monday morning. There's an early Mass at the parish (7:00 am - *whimper*) then time for a cup of tea before heading off to see the dentist (*double whimper*) This time there WILL be drilling... I guess I won't need any help meditating on the Four Last Things...


  1. Good luck, a little pain does us all the world of good, keep saying the Hail Mary it works miracles and takes the pain away.

  2. Hope you were able to make it to confession too, you know, "just in case?" If you should pass from our presence, what picture of you shall we use for your saint's card, should you get so elevated, and what do you want to be patroness of?

    [Okay, I shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition. "What do you want to be patroness of, Mac?"


  3. Karen, Karen... *shakes head sadly*

    "Of what do you want to be patroness?" surely?

    The picture would have to be my blog profile picture: the back of my mantilla-draped head. As to patronage, I think I'd probably be invoked by hairdressers (especially before a permanent colour was applied), people who need to wake up on time and cat-lovers!

    I sense a meme in this. Consider yourself tagged!

    BTW, yes, Confession did feature in my Saturday devotions!

  4. Why not patron saint of catholics who hate root canals? It would be the one thing you would be most aware of at "that moment". I know, Karen and I are sick. It's a generational thing, I think. Good luck and God bless. Rob

  5. Mac, I will be sure to pray for you--- and for the skill of the dentist. A devotional thought from C.S. Lewis: "I assume that the process of purification [in Purgatory] will normally involve suffering. Partly from tradition; partly because most real good that has been done me in this life has involved it. But I don't think suffering is the purpose of the purgation. I can well believe that people neither much worse nor much better than I will suffer less than I or more.'No nonsense about merit.' The treatment given will be the one required, whether it hurts little or much. My favorite image on this matter comes from the dentist's chair. I hope that when the tooth of life is drawn and I am 'coming round', a voice will say, 'Rinse your mouth out with THIS.' 'THIS' will be Purgatory." (Obviously, like you, he was not fond of dental visits. One does not normally compare pleasant experiences to Hell or Purgatory.) Commiserating with you,
    :-[ Rosemary

  6. :-D Put up the exact question(s) you want asked as a meme, and I'll take it up. [I think I semi answered it myself in my own vicodin fairy posting, or the one before it with the 1st communion pick. It's only 9 pm Sunday here, and I did a lot of "work" today so I'm actually about ready to crash but if I have time to do a quicky post in the a.m. before I'm off I'll do it. :-D

  7. Anonymous5:08 am

    My prayers are with you. Please, pray for me, too: I'm looking for a job.
