Saturday 26 July 2008

A View To A Cull...

I love blogging. And I have my favourite "must read daily" blogs as well as quite a few that I visit more infrequently. But I noticed that, although I've been quite good at adding new sites to my blogroll (usually after their authors have commented on one of my posts - I generally follow up to see who is posting comments) I have been less than vigilant in removing old links...

But I really dislike "dead" links on a blogroll. First, the blogroll gets to be rather too long and unwieldy, and then becomes more a record of "blogs I visited way back when" rather than "blogs I read and enjoy"! And secondly, I waste valuable blogging time checking out links which haven't updated in months... most blogs have a header, and you have to wait for the page to load and then scroll past the header to see if anything new has been added. I'm intending to be a little more disciplined with regard to blogging (I want to blog for a specific time during the holidays rather than just blog until I get bored!) and so I don't want to click on dead links... And I think that my various blogrolls are too long to allow me to use Blogger's "latest post" option.

So, I have spent this evening on a hunting expedition. The blogroll has been trimmed, and I have removed quite a few items. There were no hard-and-fast rules as to when I decided a blog was "dead" - sometimes I know that posting is light for a specific reason, and occasionally I've left a blog up "just in case." If you find that I've removed your blog and you want to be reinstated (or you want to be added) then just leave a message in the com-box.


  1. Mac: Even though I'm on summer hiatus, thanks for not kicking my blog to the dustbin! I'll be back!!!!

    Honestly, I should just bag it. You've had such good, witty, stuff lately I should go do something else with my spare time: like work in the cigarette booth at the Renaissance Festival or something else equally empowering!

  2. Cathy, you said on your blog that you were having a blogging "break"... and so you escaped the cull! I have high hopes of some very entertaining posts when you return...

  3. Thanks for not culling me, Mac! I WILL be back, just as soon as I've trained New Man not to start reading over my shoulder whenever I get my laptop out ;¬) - oh, and got a spare moment. This summer's been pretty busy so far...

  4. Anonymous10:49 pm

    What order of nuns are these stalwart defenders of the Faith?

  5. Sorry, Anonymous... no idea. I just liked the photo!
