Sunday 20 July 2008

Solemn High Mass...

As Fr. Tim has already mentioned, this weekend saw the visit of a friend of his, Fr. Michael Cullinan. Not one to miss a trick, Fr. Tim immediately spotted an opportunity to have a Solemn High Mass on the Sunday morning instead of our usual Missa Cantata.

I happened to have my dinky phone-camera handy, so, after checking that the sound was on "silent" and the phone itself was in "flight mode," I took a few photos. They're not brilliant, as I hadn't had a chance to ask permission, so I kept the phone low in front of me, and I only took a few snaps. Still, they give a flavour of the occasion.

I don't think anyone else was taking photos, so I have, once again, scooped a blogging exclusive! Somehow, despite this, I suspect that all the comments will end up on Fr. Tim's blog...*

It was a real privilege to be able to have a Solemn High Mass on an "ordinary" Sunday in the Parish. I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next one!

*It's ok... I don't mind really... well, not very much...


  1. Mac! Mac! I have a blonde joke for you! Should I post it in here?

  2. Yes please, Kasia... and if it makes me laugh enough (and I haven't already posted it) then I'll steal it for a blog post...

    ...with credit where it's due, of course!

  3. I tried to check whether you'd already posted it, but wasn't sure how. :-) Here goes:

    Bubbles and Barbie, two blonde sisters, had promised their uncle, who had been a seafaring gentleman all his life, to bury him at sea when he died. Of course, in due time, he did pass away and the two blondes kept their promise. They set off from Clearwater Beach with their uncle all stitched up in a burial bag and loaded onto their rowboat.

    After a while, Bubbles says, "Do you think we're far enough, Barbie?" Barbie slipped over the side and finding the water only knee deep said, "Nope, not yet Bubbles." So they row a little farther...

    Again Bubbles asks Barbie, "Do you think we're out far enough now?" Once again Barbie slips over the side and almost immediately says, "No, this will never do. The water is only up to my chest."So they row and row and row, and finally, Barbie slips over the side and disappears. Quite a bit of time goes by and poor Bubbles is really getting worried, when suddenly, Barbie breaks the surface. Gasping for breath she says,"OK, it's finally deep enough...hand me the shovel"


    For future reference, Blogger has a search facility box at the top of each of its blogs... type in a keyword, or a phrase (in inverted commas if you want to find the exact phrase" into the box and click "search blog"
