Tuesday 17 June 2008

A Question Of Perspective...

A friend of mine is getting married this Summer. Her younger sisters are still growing, and a lot can happen between dress fittings and Wedding Day. The eldest bridesmaid-to-be contemplated an after-dinner chocolate biscuit.

"I'll give up biscuits tomorrow," she announced.

"Anyway," she added, with unassailable logic, "The dress isn't too small, it fits perfectly. I just can't breathe in it..."


  1. Anonymous10:56 pm

    I had some of those gorgeous bickies with a cuppa tea this evening..my goodness they're nearly all chocolate and no biscit. Yummy.

  2. I've had stacks of dresses like that.

  3. If all else fails tell your friend to try a gastric band. You may want to get one too...

  4. I'm signed into Mum's account, and have just read your comment.
    I must confess it was me who said this and don't worry by the time the wedding comes the dress will fit perfectly and I will be able to breathe (well at least a little, I hope).

  5. Heheheheh... I did warn you that everything you said was fair game for the blog!

    And I have absolutely no doubt that you will look stunning on the big day... and you won't need a gastric band either!

