Tuesday 24 June 2008

Empire Building

I was surprised at how many people responded to my last post on Ikariam, the web browser game which lets you build up a civilisation. I'm curious to find out whether people stuck with the game, or got bored and moved off to pastures new. I do know that a certain blogging priest admitted to having checked on "his people" first thing in the morning before heading off to Westminster Cathedral for the Pontifical High Mass, and wanted to know how many towns I had!

Well, time for an update: I have four towns, and the capital is at level 17 (a maximum capacity of 1541 individuals.) All four of my towns are at maximum capacity, and I am holding back on increasing capacity for the moment as I'm keen to get a fifth town up and running. I haven't decided which resource I shall try to get... marble seems to be the most useful commodity for building and expansion purposes, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my citizens happy unless I can increase my wine production...

...and some time on Thursday morning, my scientists should have succeeded in researching bureaucracy, and I'm intrigued as to what will happen next.

So far, my capital city has progressed from this...

...to this...

...and somehow, by dint of arranging museum collections for them to admire and keeping them supplied with plenty of wine in the tavern, I have succeeded in making my citizens very happy indeed...


  1. Mac! If you colonize another marble island, I will happily trade you wine for marble! And if you're willing, I would love to enter into a cultural exchange treaty with you...search me, I play under "Clam Rampant". :-)

  2. This sounds a bit like those older games that I used to love that involved building up a civilization. I think, but I am not certain, that the games were called 'Civilization". You had to build water supplies, craft areas, resources etc.

    Let me ask. Is this a peaceful game or can I attack someone else? I sort of like being the invading hordes over being the peaceful Swiss.LOL

  3. Kasia, I'll set up a cultural treaty as soon as I've upgraded my museum.

    Deb - yes you can attack and pillage other towns, blockade their ports and steal their resources... but be aware that they may have more troops than you... and you won't make yourself very popular, so no help with treaties!

  4. Huh, I am the Master of eight cities. Good thing with this game is it takes 10 mins in the evening, if you are a peaceful Swiss. It takes days to build things, a computer version of cricket.

  5. p.s. I am bit stingier on the booze, unless I want a rapid population increase.
    No binge in my empire!

  6. Where on earth do you lot find the time? I just don't understand it. My twins are sleeping and my three-year-old is convalescing, so I'm catching up on the Blogosphere but honestly, when do you when do you blog? When do you build your virtual empires?

  7. La mamma - I don't have a family to look after, and I don't watch TV. Ikariam is the sort of game you play for 10 minutes a day, because you just get things started off, and decide what to do next, and the "people" continue, even if you leave them for a couple of days.

    Blogging is my way of relaxing, and it doesn't take too much time...
