Saturday 10 May 2008

For Your Delectation & Delight...

We have a very beautiful High Mass set of red vestments. Hopefully, we're being treated to a High Mass tomorrow for Pentecost, but I thought I might not manage to get a clear close-up of the chasuble, which is stunning... so I scooted into the Sacristy and snapped this one. Enjoy!

(It's a little blurred... the centrepiece shows the Agnus Dei)


  1. Anonymous3:46 pm

    Fantastic! I'm all excited about what vestments we'll see tomorrow. :)

  2. Sorry, Mark, if I misled you... the dalmatics are just plain red with gold borders to match the chasuble.

    It's just that the distance between the pew I normally sit in and the altar, together with the possible presence of a deacon and sub-deacon and four torch-bearers on the sanctuary between me and the priest, might have made getting a good shot of the vestments rather tricky!

  3. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Don't worry, Mac; I actually meant that I am excited to see what Fr Emerson will be wearing tomorrow in Edinburgh. He has some rather nice vestments.
