Thursday 3 April 2008

Another (Almost) Local Blog...

Volpius Leonius is from Hexham & Newcastle Diocese. Not quite sure exactly where Newcastle is (north of London... south of Scotland... my geography is about on par with my Latin...) but it's in merry old England, which makes him a local lad. Almost.

Never having studied any Latin, I was scouring my brains (and Google) for some sort of reference to Volpius Leonius. Sadly, neither Google nor "I Claudius" were of any help. Robert Graves' novel is one of my favourites, and a large chunk of my knowledge of Roman history (ok, I'll be honest... MOST of it...) comes from that source!

I was delighted to find that I could make a pretty good stab at translating the quote under the blog title, albeit a bit wobbly on the tense. Go and have a try for yourself HERE.


  1. "Christ defends His people from every evil"?

  2. Very Close.

    "Christ defends His people against every evil" is how the Church translates it.

    It can be found written on the base of the obelisk in St. Peter's Square among other places.

    Thanks for the mention Mac McLernon. Volpius Leonius is a name of my own making so you can stop scouring Roman Histroy for a mention of it :)

    God Bless,


  3. 'Christ defends His people from all evil'

    I'm a bit rusty and I only ever guessed at the tense anyway but I think it's right. - don't know if there's something wrong with the site, but we have to reload Java every time we make a new one.

    If you really want Paint Shop Pro, Amazon have got it for £40 - cheapest I've seen.

  4. I believe your name means 'strong woman' - is that correct?

  5. It does indeed, Joanna. I wanted to lay my cards on the table, so to speak... trad Catholic, and no mucking around with lefty liberal feminist guff...
