Monday 24 March 2008

Writing To MPs

Leutgeb (she of the spotty Welsh Bread) has been writing to her MP. She gives a very useful link which allows you to find out who your MP is, and their email addresses. It isn't quite as straightforward to negotiate as the link I have given previously, but it does have rather more information about the Members' interests, working parties, majority at the last election and so on.

She has also put up an excellent post on Cardinal O'Brien's sermon... though, as the extract she posted is so long, it is a little difficult to work out where the sermon ends and Leutgeb's own comments begin...

...partly because of the virulently yellow background, which makes it painful to read! I understand that Leutgeb likes her liturgical colours, but something a little gentler on the eyes next time, perhaps??

I'm also intrigued by her comment on Professor Winston...

It might be worth noting that SPUC recommend writing letters to MPs rather than sending emails. SPUC has a great deal of experience in Parliamentary lobbying matters, and so I'd be inclined to follow their advice... or write and email !


  1. I was visiting her blog earlier, and was intrigued by her comment on Dr Winston too! Hope she reveals all soon!!

  2. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Aside from all that! A very Happy & Holy Easter to you Mac!
