Sunday 2 March 2008

New Hope For Sufferers Of Laetare Intolerance...

According to Jeff, the Curt Jester, Laetare Intolerance is a gastrointestinal disorder brought on by the sight of apparently "pink" vestments. Help is at hand, in the form of "Vestmints" - these help to alleviate queasy sensations at the sight of anything even slightly redolent of Pepto-Bismol.

Confirmation that you really do suffer from Laetare Intolerance is best obtained from a doctor: all he needs to aid the diagnosis is a stole sample. See HERE for dosage instructions and contraindications...


  1. Our priest gave us a quiz before Mass. He asked what color his vestments were and woe to us if we replied pink.

  2. We had two priests this week. One was wearing a "Rose" coloured chasuble. The other - well lets just say the last time I saw anything that colour was when my daughter was a lot younger and it was her Barbie pyjama's.
