Friday 7 March 2008

The Cards Have Arrived...

Woohoo! Finally, despite all my misgivings, I have the cards in my sweaty little paws, two weeks before Easter. I must confess to feeling rather pleased with the final result!


  1. "Jesus who came not to be served but to serve,and to give his life as a ransom for many" BenedictXV1,speech at the Roman Major Seminary,1/2/08
    Novus Ordo
    Eucharistic Prayers No. 1,2,3 and 4,"Take this, all of you and drink from will be shed for you and for all(men)....."
    Compare and contrast.

  2. P.S.
    Your choice of Easter card is delightful, a reminder to all of us of the huge importance of the priestly ministry..thanks and God bless you.

  3. Anonymous7:58 pm

    Beautiful, Mac. Wish the ladies here had similar ideas to you. :D

  4. Thanks for the compliments... but it's not an "Easter" card - it's specifically a thank-you card to be given out at the Chrism Mass, when priests affirm their communion with their Bishop, and reflect on the priestly ministry. It seems to have become a "tradition" in Southwark - this will be the sixth year we've given the cards out!

  5. Such a beautiful card -- and idea. Some time ago my Parish Priest showed me a card from his ordination, the happiness still reaching his face 30 years later. I'm sure these cards will be equally treasured!

  6. Well done. Our priests deserve our support. This is a great apostolate.

  7. Anonymous8:04 pm

    you know mulier that the image is our our lady of confidence, the image Blessed Pope XXIII prayed in front of as a seminarian...she is patroness of seminarians too...remember us, and the clergy too!!!

    love and prayers for a holy season

  8. Anonymous, I didn't know about Pope John XXIII, but the picture of Our Lady of Trust (or Confidence, pretty much the same, I guess) was referred to by Pope Benedict (and described) when he spoke to the Seminarians in Rome.

    I will, of course, remember all seminarians too...
