Saturday 5 January 2008

Missa Cantata At Blackfen

We had a real treat this morning: some chaps who sing regularly at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane have been invited to sing at Blackfen once a month. The Saturday morning Mass is usually a Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form; now we shall have a Missa Cantata once a month.

Today was our first such Mass. It was fabulous... the chants just lift the mind and heart to God and flow seamlessly around the actions of priest and acolytes (and there is something dance-like in their carefully scripted movements... ) The silence at the Canon makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end...

I find myself marvelling at how our senses are engaged in the Liturgy: it reveals (for me) the necessity of the Incarnation as Christ communicates to us body and soul, physically as well as spiritually. And I am awe-struck at how much Jesus humbles himself: he surrenders himself totally to the power of men - a mere man can "order" Christ to appear; Jesus is at our beck and call... under the appearance of bread and wine, to be sure, but he comes every time, whenever and wherever the Mass is offered.


I occasionally get these deep thoughts, though I'm not so good at putting them down in words. So time for some more down-to-earth stuff, I think...

Here we have Fr. Tim, singers and servers partaking of a little spiritual refreshment after the Mass. Andrew Bosi (on the right in the blue jumper) led the singers, while Jonathan (second from the right) was our extremely accomplished MC. From left to right we have Fr. Tim Finigan, John Tennant, John Simmonds, Chris (he was a server), William Longley, Jonathan (our MC) and Andrew Bosi. Luckily none of the gentlemen present felt it necessary to try and take my photo!


  1. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Hi Mac plase may you show us the blackfen crib?

  2. Anonymous9:37 pm

    Andrew Bosi is on the right in the blue jumper!


  3. Ooops... mea culpa, mea culpa... I've corrected the post.

    So, ok, who are the other singers? Left to right please!

  4. Ok, anonymous... how do you know I've got a photo of the Blackfen Crib??

  5. Anonymous10:57 pm


    John Tennant is on the Left then John Simmonds and William Longley is at the end of the table.


  6. Sorry you're not in the photo Mac, but don't worry, someone will probably get you next time!

    You can run, but you can't hide. . .
