Tuesday 11 December 2007


...there won't be any blogging today... I'm just off to my Science Department Christmas Bash. But while I'm gone, I thought that the following little snippet might make a few people chuckle...


  1. Anonymous10:01 pm

    A classic comedy moment and David Jason's finest preformance ever.

  2. There was something on the BBC on the box a couple of weeks ago about men from Poland going to England to work as bus drivers. The programme dealt with Manchester, but I know that plenty of Poles are driving both in Britain and in Ireland.

    The programme said that the training was done in Poland, and as part of the training, as a means of introducing the Poles to English culture, they were shown videos of Only Fools And Horses. Well, it's the BBC
    who said that so it must be true!

  3. Anonymous5:19 pm

    Oh...dear...! Very funny, Mac! Hope you had a good time. :-D
