Sunday 23 December 2007

Children's Crib Service

Next to Midnight Mass, Dawn Mass and Day Mass (this year I get to go to all three... YIPPEE!), I think the parish Crib Service is my favourite Christmas activity. No rehearsals, everyone just shows up. There are two principle players (Mary & Joseph) who must have been picked at some point, if only to ensure that the costumes fit and that the girl holding the baby Jesus isn't likely to drop him...

...the baby Jesus is another part which has been worked out beforehand...

The rest of the children are either angels, shepherds or kings, according to personal inclination / parents' wardrobe skills. We were seriously short of shepherds this year...

Some of the older children get to read the story in little bits, and then the various children get moved into place during the carols. It ends with all the children being invited up, in costume or not, and a countdown while photos are taken by doting parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and what-have-you. And then we have tea and biscuits in the small hall.

Absolutely brilliant!


  1. Anonymous7:54 am

    It does look lovely..a blessed christmas & New Year Mac..thanks for your fab blog!

  2. Anonymous2:39 pm

    It looks lovely and the photos are wonderful. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and keep up the excellent work on your blog which I enjoy reading.
