Friday 16 November 2007

One In The Eye For The PC Crowd...

Apparently, Pope Benedict XIII took up smoking at the tender age of 75. I couldn't resist putting up the following portrait of him...

Mantilla twitched in Fr. Ray's direction... but I take full responsibility for the slight addition!


  1. Perfect !

    In view of Fr. Ray's post, this portrait was crying out for this treatment.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  2. ROTFL!!! There's a reason there were 3 comedy writers on the old Dick Van Dyke show.

    [don't know if you had that on re-runs or not=

  3. kewl...
    incidentally, may make it down with my eldest for the 8th but good luck with the renewal of vows...

  4. That would indeed be "kewl" !

    Mass (TLM) at 10:30am, Exposition for an hour. Benediction 12noon. Vows 12:30pm. Nibbles straight after (1pm-ish)

  5. He needs a huge cigar instead.

  6. Thanks for letting me know you created this photo - I use it all of the time for my "Mass Chat" and I will credit you from now on - if you don't mind that is. Great photo shop job!

  7. Heheheheh... I'm honoured that you use it on your great blog. Feel free! It was just great to be reminded of the photoshop job I did all that time ago...
