Monday 12 November 2007

Holy Smoke...

I saw this book on Fr. Tim's blog. Thinking I could do with a little light-hearted reading matter, I went and ordered it, and then, because there was a delay in getting it from the printers or some such thing, promptly forgot about it.

I was then distracted by the arrival of Fr. William's Daughter. Having demolished that book in record time, I was just about to bemoan the fact that I was once again bereft of light reading matter, when I remembered Smoke in the Sanctuary...

...It was another unputdownable book, only this time for very different reasons. I was laughing so much: I felt I'd met so many of the characters already. And as for the dancing nuns...

If you need a little light relief, I would recommend this book. But be warned: the descriptions of liturgical dance and ecumenical services are not for the faint-hearted!


  1. A thought just crossed my mind. If someone reads this book, they might be inspired to actually start some of the stuff described!

  2. Heheheh... started already... it's called Summorum Pontificum !

  3. Er, sorry Mac, I should have explained myself a bit better. I meant somebody might get the inspiration to try some of the "other" stuff described in the book, such as the dancing nuns, or the group of "musicians" performing at Mass. . .

  4. Heheheheh... I take it you haven't read the book, then? Believe me, the descriptions of that "other" stuff were enough to induce nightmares...

  5. I've always wanted to write a novel called Incense and Insensibility.

  6. Actually Mac, yes I have read the book. And yes, a lot of the book did make me laugh. But I am paranoid, so in the spirit of Murphy's Law, I think it is possible that some people who read it will be inspired to have a go at all the "dancing nuns" and other funny business. Not what the author, yourself, or myself would like to see in church, but you never know . . .
