Thursday 15 November 2007

Expletives Deleted!

I just cannot believe that it has come to this! Well, actually, I do believe it... it is symptomatic of all that is going horribly wrong in modern, secular Britain. What else can you expect from a country whose Prime Minister declared that it was really great that the UK was at the forefront of embryo research involving monstrosities like hybrids; stuff, incidentally, that the rest of Europe wouldn't touch with a ten-foot barge-pole?

But this really is "extracting the urine"*...

Hilary White has reported on LifeSite News that:

"A British physician may be forced out of a job for helping women decide against abortion. Dr. Tammie Downes is under investigation for professional misconduct after she said in an interview with the Daily Mail that she had been instrumental in helping many women patients decide to continue to carry their children to term.

"In the Daily Mail interview, Dr. Downes said she asked women in crisis pregnancies, “What would have to change to make you see things differently? What would help you to see this baby as good news and not bad news?”

"For defying the abortion-ideology that prevails in the British medical establishment, Dr. Downes is under investigation by the General Medical Council and may lose the right to practice medicine. The Guardian newspaper reported that the investigation was begun after a complaint by “a practising doctor involved in the pro-choice movement” accused Downes of breaching the GMC's Good Medical Practice Guidelines."

Oh, right... it's ok for the pro-abortion lot to advertise their services to the extent of campaigning to have the abortion pill sold over the counter in supermarket pharmacies and peddled to 13-year-old girls by the school nurse, but doctors are not allowed to give the opposite point of view if it's one that they actually happen to believe in it... so all the doctors signing abortion certificates are really pro-life themselves...

...yeah, right. And the moon is made of green cheese.

Mantilla-twitch to Fr. Blake.

* This expression, a favourite of mine, can be translated loosely as "taking the Mick"... the exact translation is much more expressive, but involves a four-letter word!


  1. Maybe she could move over here to the U.S.A. What is your country's regrettable loss would be our gain. I, for one, would love to have her.

  2. This is blatant hypocrisy considering how coercive the medical profession can be the other way. When I fell pregnant with my first baby I could have been forgiven for thinking I had contracted some embarrassing STI that needed curing.

  3. Hold on! It's a *crime* to give people options?! What about free choice eh? Isn't "choice" supposed to be the latest buzz word flung about by the baby killers? Don't they moan and cry about us taking away their choice when we moan and whine against abortion? So now...if you give a woman a choice you are a criminal?!?!?! Idtiots. IDIOTS!!!!

  4. Anonymous6:06 pm

    So to be 'pro choice' is really to be pro 'only one choice' - the choice to kill the baby in its mother's womb. Technically therefore, there is actually 'NO choice', just a vicious, vitriolic, paranoid 'kill the children, KILL THE CHILDREN!!!' being sung in the shrillest tones by the UK's NHS & Co - the very people that we have entrusted to 'First do NO Harm'. It is a scandal that this good doctor is being crucified in this way - for saving life! Has anyone asked any of the mother's who, with her gentle help, decided to keep their baby from the abortionist's poisons and forceps how they feel about the decisions they made? Will any of them stand in the good doctor's defense? Where has it all gone so wrong in the UK that we are even having these debates and discussions in our public forums, for surely the life of one child is worth a thousand abortuaries! The UK must somehow crawl and drag itself out of the mire it has sunk into - we cannot go on spitting into the Face of our Maker without reaping our just reward - measure for measure.

    What have YOU done TODAY to help Britain be more PRO-LIFE? Let us all ask ourselves that question and then get involved.
