Saturday 10 November 2007

Bloggers' Lunch

Bloggers of the world unite... this afternoon I was privileged to go for lunch with two eminent bloggers: Fr. Tim Finigan and Hilary White.

I managed to stay out of the photo by dint of the fact that I was wielding the camera-phone. One quick snap, and the phone was stashed away just in case any helpful person decided to suggest a threesome!

Hilary is the author of The Devout Life. She was living in Canada for many years, but has returned to Blighty, and is here to stay. I noticed that her profile picture has a neat shot of the back of her head (hey, I must've started something!) but the cat is firmly out of the bag with this photo. She has another blog - Orwell's Picnic.

A lot of people complain that modern technology interferes with "real" communication between "real" people... Can't say I've noticed that, to be honest. As Hilary said over coffee, think of the blogosphere as a small village where each of the houses just happen to be miles apart...


  1. Anonymous6:57 pm

    I must admit I have been enjoying my "blogging break", but really have no idea where my blog will go come November 30th... you will all have to guide me. :) I kind of want it to be more "professional", maybe vaguely catechetical, but like I say, I need help.

    I agree with you. I don't find blogging limits by "off-line" friendships or dealing, but I do wish all my on-line friends lived a lot closer. For example, I would dearly love to come and meet you and Fr Tim sometime.

  2. Well, Fr Tim has put directions to Blackfen on his parish web page here

  3. Anonymous8:48 am

    Yeah, but we need lots of crafty organising and planning for the folks coming down from Up North. Thanks for the email; good stuff. Will reply, promise.

  4. Hilary looks a lot like my sister.
