Wednesday 26 September 2007

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder...

...but then again, out of sight, out of mind! I haven't blogged as regularly as usual over the past week: a conjunction of ill-health (yeurchhhh!) and an up-turn in levels of schoolwork for the new job (*sigh*) have conspired to keep me away from my beloved computer. The computers at school block the blogs... I can read bits of them (but any graphics or videos are barred) but I can't comment, and I can't post. In addition, the network seems to go down at about 4:45pm, so even if I'm working late, I don't really have time to read the blogs...

...And, by the time I get home, I haven't got much time left before bedtime in which to blog: I can just about keep an eye on the comments which come through for moderation, and read a few of my favourite blogs. Actually writing something requires a little more time, energy and inspiration. As the job settles into a routine I should find juggling my time a little easier, but right now things are hectic.

I'm really enjoying my new job. The staff and students are friendly, though my memory for faces means that half the time I'm wondering who exactly greeted me in the corridor: I wouldn't mind, but they seem to know all about me... Even more embarassingly, I was greeted this evening by a pupil who introduced me to his mother... and I had to admit that I didn't know his name... or what year he was in... (although I correctly identified the class once he'd told me the year.) Luckily his mother seemed happy enough with my apologetic explanation!

I'm sure that you will be delighted to hear that I have finally (after three and a half weeks) worked out exactly where the Staffroom is in relation to the Science Faculty Office. I also know where the main photocopy room is, and the small photocopy room. And I know where the English Corridor is, because I do a break duty there each week. I am vaguely aware of the existence of a whole school attached somehow to the Science Faculty, but beyond that, I would require a map. And a compass.


  1. Anonymous6:35 am

    And some camouflage. Scientists aren't ALWAYS welcome in the English corridor :-)

  2. I remember my first term in school. I couldn't remember the code for the staffroom door (I think it was just too darn close to my bank pin) and in my attempts to gain access, broke it TWICE!

    Hope you are feeling better - it's great to see you back!


  3. Just been talking to Rita over at Tigerish Waters about GCSE and IGCSE science-what are your thoughts?

  4. Does your new school have annual yearbooks? [In the US every year a yearbook is put out - it has pictures (and NAMES) of all student and staff.)

    It wouldn't surprise me if your library has copies of back issues.

    With me, the 52nd introduction is the charm. ;-D

  5. No, no yearbook as such. There are photos - but only of the pupils whose parents have given permission for their child's photo to be stored on the system - and the photos are taken in Year 7 (when they are 11 years old) and not updated...

    ...and there are nearly 1800 students at the school...

    (As for the staff, I haven't seen a central file. We're all supposed to have photos for our ID badges, but some staff avoided that one by "forgetting" to get the photo done, and if my photo is anything to go by, the image bears no relation at all to the teacher concerned...)

  6. WSNS - don't get me started on the subject of GCSEs... not worth the paper they're printed on. The new Science GCSE specification tells us that there is approximately 20% content (ie. scientific facts) The rest is "skills"... like reading.

  7. Happy to see you're still with us. How many weeks till half term? I bet you know exactly. Meanwhile, I'm impressed that tomorrow's Friday and I've nearly made it to another weekend... and I don't even 'work'!

  8. Are the new AS levels roughly the equivalent of the old "O" levels?


  9. La Mamma - three!

    And Karen - that's about right...
