Friday 31 August 2007

Knock, Knock, Knocking On Heaven's Door...

Lots of people need prayers right now. So, of your charity, can you pray:

For Audrey, who is being put under incredible pressure to have an abortion, and who is talking to Sister Roseann.

For Kerry-Anne, who was thinking about an abortion, but so far hasn't gone through with it.

For Jess and her unborn child (Jess took the first dose of the abortion pill and then couldn't continue...)

And finally, for A Thorn in the Pew who is pregnant, but has been experiencing difficulties with the pregnancy.

Time to besiege the Pearly Gates: and we have a few "double agents" who can be called upon to help us storm heaven...

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

All Guardian Angels, pray for us.

St. Gerard Majella, pray for us.

St. Raymond Nonnatus, pray for us.

St. Margaret of Antioch, pray for us.

St. Catherine of Sweden, pray for us.
St. Gianna Molla, pray for us.


  1. I have nominated you for an award:

  2. I mentioned to the Sisters that Fr Frank Pavone tells of a mother who had taken the first pill of RU486 and then wanted to save her baby. Her doctor gave her progesterone and saved her pregnancy so she could have a live baby.

    I prayed to St Catherine of Sweden after my two miscarriages and now have my beautiful daughter thanks to her and St Gerard Majella.

  3. Anonymous8:10 am

    St. Gianna Molla, pray for us.

  4. Oh... how could I have forgotten St. Gianna?? Thanks anonymous... I'll add her to the litany now!
