Thursday 28 June 2007

I Got One Present I Wanted (Sort Of) !

I was delighted to note that the Motu Proprio is out - even if it is only to the Bishops at the moment. But it's out, it's going to be on general release soon, and there is a date from which it will be effective.

I was also touched to see that Ma Beck has iced a cake especially for me (hopefully little Mary Elizabeth will get to sample some of it (even if it is just having an enthusiastic lick of the balloons) and Newhousenewjob has made insulting references to my advancing years...


  1. Insulting references? I was just referring to the size of the candle. And I'm not the one who accused you of being 1,000 years old.

    (I hate to make reference to creeping senility, but isn't little Mary Jane called Mary Elizabeth?)


  2. That's the extent of your response to this long-awaited Motu Proprio?!

    Tsk! I'm going to tell Papa, and boy are YOU gonna get it! Maybe he'll even withdraw your birthday present...

  3. We all have the same birthday, but I'll bet I'm the oldest, I'm as old as Vatican II!
    Didn't we get a great birthday gift from Papa Bene! He really knows what we want(I just found out the day of release today, so I take it as a sign that my Holy Father loves me).

  4. So you win the Motu prize - closer to your birthday than all of ours! And nice to get the announcement on your day, as a bonus.

    Re: Cake - I wish I was that talented.
    Some uber-froster posted their photo online. And I stole it.

  5. Kasia,
    "That's the extent of your response to this long-awaited Motu Proprio?!"

    Well, the Holy Father did say he wanted a serene reception, and I was also bearing Fr Z's "5 rules" in mind...

    Ma, I can't believe you found a cake with my name iced on it. How cool is that!

    Leticia, it'd be a close call!
