...well, ok, I lied about the evil bit. However, as I've shown in a previous post, there's nothing cute about bunnies.
It's a quiet day in the blogosphere, and I've been curled up with a book for much of today (by a strange coincidence, Ma Beck is reading the same one), so I thought I'd pass on this little gem which I spotted over at Orthometer. 30 second summaries of various films, filmed in bun-o-vision. So far none of the clips meant anything, as I hadn't watched the originals. However, I'm rather a fan of Bruce Willis, and so this take-off of the Die Hard movie had me chuckling. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to provide an embedding code, so you have to click HERE to watch it.
Rabbits annoy me, jackrabbits on the other hand are the most awkward and hilarious creatures :D