Sunday 13 May 2007

First Blogiversary !

I am a very proud and happy bunny. Today is my first blogiversary (see the Hermeneutic of Continuity for reasons why it's not a blogniversary!) I picked an excellent day for it too - the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima! Looking back, I see that on my first day, I had three posts: Welcome to my Blog, an Inclusive Language Rant and a post on Unfortunate Lyrics.

Checking the latter, I found that I was referring particularly to a phrase encountered in "Daily, daily, sing to Mary" which has Our Lady delivering a knockout blow as she "decks her subjects." By strange coincidence, we sang that very hymn this morning at Mass (it was one of my rare forays to the 10:30am Mass - I usually like a lie-in on Sunday - as a little girl I had helped to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism was being baptised after the Mass.)

I was also amused to note that, in my rationale for starting the blog, I said:

"After reading several excellent blogs, I decided that the chance to rant about my particular pet hates (I have many) was just too good to miss, and so here I am. I have no idea whether anyone else will find it interesting..."

Well, at the risk of sounding terribly conceited, I have to say that, from 13th May until 31st May 2006, I had a total of 271 visits (about 14 visits a day.) In the first 12 days of May this year, I have had 2,048 visits (which is around 171 visits each day.)

Room for improvement, but not too shabby... especially for a blog which (according to a certain Fr. James!) only covers chocolate, hair, nails and shopping...


  1. Congratulations!

    I look forward to reading your blog for many years to come.

  2. Best wishes and ad multos annos!

  3. In congratulations i join Brad. I can only say your blog is quite unique, it reads very well and you do not seem to have an over-imposing personality which can manifest in some blogs. Good work and more please!!

  4. I'd like to add my ad multos annos. I think the secret of your success is the mix you achieve & that's a reflection of your personality so you should feel pretty chuffed.

    And the answer to the enquiry you kindly posted on my blog is, 'not yet but there've been nibbles'.

  5. Hope you saved a few of those chocs to celebrate!

  6. Hooray, Mac!
    I LOVE your blog and your sense of humor. I hope you come to Chicago one day.

  7. well done on 1 year of blogging. I hope you have some decent chocolates to celebrate with.

    fr paul harrison

  8. Congrats Mac! Sorry I'm late with the comment. I am glad I bumped into your blog. Love your sense of humor.

  9. Thank you everyone - it's nice to be appreciated!

    (Sadly I had scoffed the chocs a while back... guess I'll need to get some more!)

  10. LOL! I have an incluisive language rant, too!

    I loved your rant, for the record. :-)
