Saturday 26 May 2007

Books To Take

As I said before, I like to read over lunch, so I have to decide which books to take with me to Lourdes. The choice is actually harder than it first appears: in addition to bringing something entertaining, size is an issue! Too big a book, no matter how fascinating, and it's not going to make it out of the suitcase: too much hassle carting it around town, especially if one plans to stop at a few little shops after lunch. Too small, and it won't last the week. There is also the consideration that mood plays a part in what you feel like reading...

So, it's worth bringing a variety. But the luggage allowance isn't exactly generous...

Unusually for me, I have a variety of new books to choose from. Normally I buy a couple and then leave well alone until I've finished reading them... and then during SD I ask for suggestions of what to read next. A delay in the delivery of my last bunch, combined with a recent book-buying frenzy, means that I have a whole pile to choose from. Oh, decisions, decisions...

I'm very tempted to take "The Spiritual Life" by Tanquerey. It looks fabulous, but it is very heavy (physically, I mean...) I opened it at random just now, to see if it would be more of a reference work than a "read" (because of the way it is divided into numbered paragraphs) and I was hooked. I was even distracted from blogging!

The next book on the pile which is crying out to be packed is Faber's "Spiritual Conferences" - this has the advantage of being about the right "handbag" size, being about an inch thick.

Then there is a book which is rather relevant to my chosen state in life: "The Mystery of Love for the Single" by Fr. Dominic Unger. I can't remember who recommended that one to me, but it arrived the other day...

...and what about the Holy Father's latest: "Jesus of Nazareth" ! I have a feeling that this one will be coming along too...

Hmmn. I think I might need a bigger handbag...


  1. Anonymous7:47 am

    I would tkae Jesus of Nazareth. I am letting myself read just a few pages before bed. Then take a novel, and your Office.

    I still want to get a copy of Tanquerray.

  2. Err... no, those four are the ones I'm taking. I don't often read novels these days (occasionally I re-read an old favourite) And the Office isn't optional for me, as praying it is part of my rule of life, so the Office goes everywhere...

    I won't succeed in completing all four books, but I think I've got enough of a selection to keep me entertained, especially at the airport!

  3. From my own experience I have never had a good chance to read much during pilgrimage, possibly the only time is on the way in the couch or on the plane etc, if other fellow pilgrims will let you have a chance to read, of course. My advice is to take the thinnest and smallest spiritual book in addition to your prayer book, Missal etc. Tonqueray is interesting book but destined to priest and religious. I would recommend something by Archbishop Sheen - his 'Life is worth living' is the best book for it provides reflection, meditation and pinch of humour. May God bless you on your Pilgrimage.

  4. Thanks for the advice, Jay, but I do read a lot, especially on Pilgrimage: I don't do much in the way of walking around, so I have plenty of time to sit and think... our programme is specially designed to give people lots of free time.

    Tanquerey was recommended by my SD - and as I have taken vows, I guess as far as spiritual reading goes, I come under the heading of "religious."

    I can't take Archbishop Sheen with me... I don't have any of his books to hand (yet... but I shall be sure to explore him further, so thanks for the advice!)

    I shall say a prayer for you at the Grotto

  5. Thanks Mac I will pray for you as well.

  6. Anonymous2:49 pm

    Ah, gotcha! Glad to hear you pray the Office (didn't know if you did or not).

    Have a wonderful time; pray for us.

  7. Anonymous8:33 pm

    Just tagged you for 8 things about yourself...before you the way if you're looking for Fr Tim...well!

    God bless

    Please pray for all the Parkes' in Lourdes..

  8. Bon Voyage, Mac & have a wonderful pilgrimage.

    PS The mogs have a new home. They'll go on Wednesday to a lovely retired couple who've recently lost an old retainer. Many prayers have therefore answered but oh the sadness.

  9. Stephen, my heart goes out to you... and I'll say one for you in Lourdes

  10. Ooh! Where on earth did you get hold of Fathe Faber's Conferences? Please let me know! God bless.

  11. Emitte, I think I got the Faber book at the Day With Mary bookstall... but I can't quite remember! Try the TAN books website here
