Tuesday 15 May 2007

And Today's Amazing Fact Is...

I heard this one on Radio 4 this morning. I nearly choked on my toothpaste. The Holy Father's book was being discussed...

Presenter: "Luke, you wanted to come in before when I suggested that he painted a pretty conventional picture...?"

Reply: "It's not surprising that the Pope concludes that Jesus is the Son of God..."

Yes, I'd say that was pretty much a no-brainer...


  1. If you heard it on the Today Programme (that Jesus is the Son of God) then it must be true.

  2. Sadly, I'm not sure they were convinced. They merely implied that the Pope came to that conclusion... and accused him of being rather (disappointingly for the presenter) conventional...

  3. Wow, that Pope sure does have some cutting-edge theology.
    (I'm not dissing the Pope, I'm dissing people who think it's news that the head of the Roman Catholic Church says Jesus is the Son of God.)

  4. Jesus Christ, Son of God;
    Pope Catholic;
    bears defaecate in forested areas:

    still all a bit of a mystery to the BBC...
