Sunday 22 April 2007

New Discoveries

Exploring the blogosphere (well, actually I had a tip-off from Anne in the com-box, and I was checking out my stats on SiteMeter) I have discovered two more blogs to add to my roll...

First up, courtesy of Anne, is Vive Jesus! which is written by Ali, a Roman Catholic Mexican. I'm a bit slow: no indication in the profile as to whether Ali was male or female... but a previous blog was mentioned: "Pray the News" (now defunct) so I explored that for clues. I liked the by-line: "Lets change the world, one piece of news, one prayer at a time." but still had no joy in identifying Ali (I had the strong idea that it was a woman, though I didn't know why!)... then I clocked the by-line on Vive Jesus: "Musings of a daughter of Saint Francis of Sales." Yes, I'd say that pretty much makes it definite!!

Second discovery is A Thorn in the Pew. The Thorn has only been posting since January (so I don't feel quite so bad about not having spotted her before!) She has a truly awesome banner (is that what it's called?) at the top of her blog... I am very jealous... and she is also refreshingly direct about her trad credentials.

*sigh* So much to read, so little time...


  1. Yes, Thorn is very sweet. I have her on my blog roll as "A Thorn in the backside."

  2. This is the blogsite you need if you want some light relief. Hilarious...only in the good 'ol USA. I laughed for ages

  3. a quick Latin quiz:

  4. Thank you for the kind words. Let me know if you would like a custom banner(for I can usually put them together quite fast with PS2. God bless!
