Saturday 21 April 2007

Lord, Have Mercy On Their Souls...

...the souls of all those involved in carrying out abortions. While I wouldn't want to condemn any woman for having an abortion (only God knows how anyone can be brought to the point where taking an innocent human life seems like the "best" option!), with the advances in medical technology, the medical staff who perform these procedures must be more and more culpable...

If you can truly convince yourself that it isn't a child, but just a bunch of cells, a blob of tissue, then it is almost understandable. But when we find out that aborted foetuses can actually survive the procedure...

The case of the Norwich toddler who survived three botched abortions, and was born at 24 weeks made me go cold all over.

Apparently, babies surviving abortion for a few hours (and sometimes even just being left to die) is not uncommon. The photo shown here is of Gianna Jessen, who suffered cerebral palsy as a result of a botched abortion. Read more about babies surviving abortion over at Fr. Ray's blog. You'll need a strong stomach.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Gianna on EWTN one time. She is an amazing young woman.
