Tuesday 24 April 2007

A Little Good News

Moneybags has been accepted for his diocese, and will be starting at Seminary in the Autumn. I'm sure you'll all want to pop on over to his blog and congratulate him...

...and say a prayer or two for him while you're at it!

UPDATE: While sorting out my favourite blogs and deleting dormant ones from my bookmarks, I found that Edward (To Jesus Through Mary) has also been accepted for Seminary (a different one, I think... my geography is sorely deficient...) so more congratulations, and more prayers.

Hey, didn't someone say vocations were down...?


  1. Anonymous8:24 pm

    It is wonderful news. :)

  2. Anonymous11:06 pm


    Re your update, yes, we should hope and continue to pray. If we pray REALLY hard then we get some results. :-) The Lord certainly answers the cries of his people.

  3. Moneybags (now to be known as Matthew) and Edward will be at the same seminary.
