Friday 13 April 2007

ICEL Translation Latest

The "latest" draft of the new translation of the Mass seems not so much to have been the cat let out of the bag, as to be the Beast of Bodmin clawing its way out, ripping the bag to shreds and savaging the hand round the top to boot...

Wow... I think we've been seriously short-changed over the years...

Now, as kitty is definitely out and on the prowl, how about getting a move on with actually printing the books and issuing whatever is necessary so that we can start to use the proper texts in the Novus Ordo Mass...

Fine. It's all over the blogosphere. It's way better than anything we've seen up till now. Time to quit stalling.

UPDATE: Heheheh... now the Telegraph (Damian Thompson's "Holy Smoke" blog, at any rate) has gotten a hold of it. Watch the pigeons panic now!!


  1. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Could anyone have put it better? Well said!

  2. Dear Mulier Fortis,

    I have only just discovered your blog spot via Father Finigan's Blog space, and I think it is absolutely wonderful! I share very much your look on life and sense of humour and love of cats and all things liturgical to boot! I love Our Dear Pope Benedict XVI and his works. Just to let you know that I very much appreciate your dynamic and holy view on life.

    Good wishes,


  3. Thanks Anne, for your kind comments... I notice your profile isn't a public one. Do you have a blog of your own?

  4. The only thing that bothers me a *tad* is that they gave in and put "for us and for our salvation" instead of "for us MEN and for our salvation." "Men" is not a bad word.

    The other thing is "he suffered death and was buried" instead of "he suffered, died and was buried." I was once told that the former was the way the (American) Episcopalians said it because they didn't focus so much on Christ's sufferings the way the Catholics did.

    But, there is a lot of good in this translation.

  5. I don't have a blog, I'm really not computer friendly and my techie knowledge is limited. I am a little embarrased by this...

    I enjoy your blog very much. I share your faith and sense of fun.

    You dont seem to have an email address on your blog as I would like to send you some funnies.

    Keep going...

