Sunday 15 April 2007

Heaven... I'm In Heaven...

When I was on retreat at Aylesford, I was responsible for organising drinks and nibbles for the evening get-together. Green & Black's chocolate made an appearance, but as I didn't know what people liked, I bought a selection.

There was quite a bit left over. No-one would take it home. So I did. But once off retreat, it was back on the Lenten resolution wagon...

So I hid the chocolate...

My Guardian Angel must have been in on this one, because I genuinely forgot about the chocolate. I have just found it again...

...I'll resume posting later!!

Happy Easter Octave Day!


  1. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Congratulations on finding your chocolate!

  2. Anonymous6:49 pm

    It's OK if it's Green & Black's coz it's good for you!

    God bless

  3. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Can you resist this link?

  4. Thomas

    Yes I can resist...

    (but only because they don't accept Visa Electron!)
