Monday 23 April 2007

Blessing Of Animals

I am totally besotted with my cat, Sylvester, and he knows it. He can twist me round his paw, no problem.

However, one day he will die. I have no intention of getting a plot in the pet cemetary, or holding a Requiem... and I have caused outrage and upset in previous years when telling pupils firmly that animals do not have immortal souls in the same way humans do, so I do not expect to meet Sylvester at the Pearly Gates (assuming that's where I fetch up!) This is probably just as well, because I would be slightly disconcerted to encounter St. Francis of Assisi surrounded by a few hundred of my ex-research associates (the pink-eyed, sharp-toothed and long-tailed variety!!)

So the following snippet, courtesy of Antonia, amused me greatly:

A priest friend of my husband's was once asked if he ever did any special blessings over animals.

His reply: I pray over animals every day... I call it "Grace".



  1. ROTFL. That is very funny!

  2. I didn't see that coming; now I'm wiping up my coffee... brilliant!

  3. Awww...adorable pic of Sylvester...

    I have not fully reconciled myself to the fact that my cats do not have immortal souls, and therefore will not come running to the Pearly Gates to greet me, loudly insisting that I give them some more food, thank you very much, as they can see a teeny portion of the bottom of the dish...

    ...but I do know it rationally. Which is more than I can say for a lot of people.
