Wednesday 18 April 2007

Another Blogstone Passed...

...ooops. I've just realised that the title is somewhat misleading. No I am not suffering from any digestive tract disorders... or any other tract disorders...

Instead, I am hopping with glee... I have gone through the 20,000 visitor mark. Very small beer for some of you uber-blogger types, but I nearly didn't start this blog because I was worried that (a) I would run out of things to say, and (b) no-one would bother to read whatever I did say...

Well, anyone who knows me personally can reassure you that there will be snowballs in hell before option (a) happens...

...and over 20,000 visitors (not page views, I hasten to add... they're over 32,000!) within my first year of blogging seems to put paid to my fears on (b). It has just occurred to me that, if I'd charged each one of you £1, I'd have £20,000 to spend at Bluewater... and then could have blogged about the purchases!!

Don't worry, it's still free... But a big "thank you" for continuing to visit!

UPDATE: Looks like Mrs Jackie Parkes was visitor 20,000 (at 10:19am) - Congratulations, you win a Hail Mary!!


  1. Anonymous7:44 pm

    Wow! So i'm famous too! God is good & i'm sure that's the Hail Mary i need the most!

    Enjoying blogging & like yourself have more than enough to say!

    God bless

  2. Congrats and it is no small measure.

    It took me 6 months on my first blog fives years ago to get to 10,000, so your doing well indeed.

    Even though I am now at 1.6 million I think I was much more excited at my first 10,000.
