Tuesday 6 March 2007

What Makes My Readers Tick?

SiteMeter reveals all sorts of fascinating little details. For example, it would seem that just over 8% of my visitors arrive via a search engine, the most popular one being Google (from lots of different countries too!)

A little glance through the search terms used is also entertaining: the most popular phrase is "mulier fortis" (no surprises there - though I apologise if the visitors were actually looking for the phrase in the Bible... it is Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 26:2 A virtuous woman rejoiceth her husband, and shall fulfil the years of his life in peace.)

I also get a lot of searches for mantillas (the wearing of them, what they are, and so on) which is rather encouraging... maybe they're going to make a come-back! I hope so - it is a wonderful sign of respect in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

But the funniest searches which bring visitors to this blog have got to be those which are looking up various hymn lyrics...

...I do feel for the poor souls who are searching for "I saw the sunrise" or "Colours of day" who fetch up here. I mean, I'm not exactly reticent about calling them heretical trash...

So, if you made your way here by accident, expecting to find the words to your favourite hymn, I offer my sincere sympathy. But feel free to explore - you never know, you might come to realise the error of your ways!


  1. Don't you think, Mac, that it might be fun to have a website that actually posts these hymns and then points out exactly what is wrong with them? One might even persuade people not to use them.

  2. Father, I do occasionally have little rants about the lyrics and what is wrong with them... and the music... presumably this is why I come up on Google searches...

    ...but, great idea for a website. You do the theological stuff, and I'll link to it!!
