Sunday 11 March 2007

More Site Statistics

Wow... I am now averaging 140 visits a day. Not bad, considering that the content of my blog can be summarised briefly as the vague stream-of-consciousness of a thirty-something blonde.

Looking at Site Meter, I discovered that the majority of my readers are from the UK and the USA (which is hardly earth-shattering news, I grant you!) But 3.5% of my readers are logging on from an "unknown" country...

...unknown to whom, I wonder?


  1. Anonymous3:26 pm

    Wish i had more visits!

  2. Jackie, you just have to post more often (and split a long post into shorter sections) to encourage people to visit regularly.

  3. I will be interested to know whether my 'visits' this week show up as coming from UK or Israel (see my site). I suspect the former because I'm accessing you using all my UK paraphanalia and but for the fact I've now told you I'm not sitting at my desk in Ely, you woulkdn't know.

  4. I'm about where you are too. I like to mix it up, some short, some medium, some long. Some my own work (the worst), some other bloggers, some from people of renown. There's nothing wrong with long posts, I know for a fact that some folks come back later when they have more time to read the longer stuff. That's what I do? Make a note, get back to it later. I often feel guilty (oh oh) when someone has obviously put up a long post and I just blow by. I try to give it a look over. Perhaps I have more time as I don't watch TV or play computer games.

  5. Stream of consciousness can be quite entertaining, when the person writing it is conscious. You're always worth reading.

  6. Thank you, Jeffrey - and the same goes for you!

  7. Okay, you win. More short posts. *sigh*.

  8. Yes, as a reader of blogs I like short paragraphs, humour, pictures and also the serious stuff and also a bit of "personal" e.g. a new baby, purchase, etc. Also, links are ideal (rather than just giving the web address - I'm too lazy to type it). Also a daily entry, if possible.
