Tuesday 13 March 2007

Mean-Spirited Attack on the Sisters

The Sisters of the Gospel of Life are a new order, and basically run the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative in Scotland. They have saved countless babies from being aborted by offering care, counselling and practical support to young mothers who feel they have no other option but to abort. This practical support extends to helping to find accommodation for young mothers, providing cots, prams, baby clothes and so on.

I know the Sisters personally - they are involved with the Faith Movement - and more kind, selfless and committed people would be hard to find anywhere.

So it was with great sadness that I saw a post on Credo alerting people to the fact that the Glasgow Herald has published a nasty, ill-informed article criticising the Sisters' pro-life work.

Visit the Herald's website to read the article in full. You might want to leave a comment indicating how you feel about such vicious, unprovoked attacks being credited as newsworthy.


  1. Thanks for highlighting this, Mac. I can't believe any supposedly serious newspaper could publish such a piece of ill-researched, prejudiced drivel.

  2. Put your habit on. It's a no brainer.

  3. Typical of The Herald, and the decline in quality of that newspaper.

    One cannot help wondering if the advocates of "the right to choose" do not like it if serious and successful attempts are made to open up new avenues of choice ("pro-life") rather than pro-death.

  4. Don't expect any better from from The Herald. The following is from Dennis Sewell's book 'Catholics'(2001)

    "The Sunday Herald's daily sister probably has a higher proportion of religious bigots among its readership than any other full-format newspaper on the UK mainland...One of the Herald's columnists, John MacLeod [wrote]:'Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to seize on the scandal as a club to batter Romanism, a system I regard as profoundly evil'"

    "When Arnold Kemp, a former ediotor of The Herald took up his post in the early 1980s, he found it had long been the practice to throw away all job applications from Catholic journalists unread"...

    You see what we are up against in the West of Scotland? if it isn't militant secularism it is the Orange Lodge.

  5. God Bless those sisters!
