Wednesday 14 March 2007

Inspecting Gadgets

I don't know about "boys and their toys" but I love getting new stuff. I am geeky enough to savour reading the instruction manuals... and get somewhat narked that the current trend is to remove as many words from them as possible, as I don't actually like trying to interpret the diagrams. Give me step-by-step instructions any day!

Anyway, I have been playing with my new phone. It does have some disadvantages... namely that, because the handsets and SIM cards are not interchangable between companies, I have to put in all my contact numbers by hand. I rang customer support to see if they had an easy way to transfer the information, and they didn't. *sigh*

However, putting the information in is marginally more fun than usual because I have the choice of "writing" the information in (there is a handwriting recognition system... though it is a little hit-and-miss) or tapping it in on the screen's QWERTY keyboard with the stylus.

I've already checked to see whether I can access my blog... I can, and pretty impressive it looks too, even if I do say so myself! It feels a little odd not to have a number-pad for the phone, but you can't have everything...

More importantly, I had to check out the camera. The software which came with the phone didn't react very well to the fact that I don't use Outlook, but eventually I got the phone and computer to talk to each other. And so I just had to take a photo or two of Sylvester to allow a comparison of the two phone cameras...


  1. I dont think I've ever seen "geeky" and "reading the instruction manuals" in the same sentence without there being a prominent "not" there somewhere. Are the manuals those bits of stapled paper padding in the box?

  2. I'm not sure about boys & their toys but then I suppose I'm hampered by the difficulty I have in decyphering techy instruction manuals. All modesty aside, I rate my ability to comprehend the written word somewhat above average. So, what is it about instruction manuals I so often find incomprehensible?

    PS Enjoy the new toy!

  3. Anonymous6:58 pm

    I've just got my first digital camera..don't know how to turn it on though! Sigh....

  4. Enjoy your new toys! I'd still be trying to figure out how to turn the phone on. When I got my phone last year I had to have the younger girls at work figure everything out. lol

  5. Seeing you've used the handsome Sylvester to illustrate the post on your new smart phone, I hope you won't mind if I mention that I've just posted two new cat pieces for general amusement.
