Monday 12 March 2007

Daylight Saving Time

Our American cousins have had Daylight Saving Time (DST) inflicted upon them this weekend. The Ironic Catholic is convinced that DST is contrary to the will of God, and makes a good case to support her view... Fr. Erik Richtsteig of Orthometer seems to agree with her. As far as he's concerned, the only good thing to result from DST is the amusement it affords when observing people turn up an hour late for Mass...

Here in the UK, we still have this delightful experience to come...


  1. Well I was one of those silly people who forgot to turn the clock ahead and missed Mass.

  2. the only problem for me is that the 6pm daily mass on ewtn is now at 5pm and thus clashes with my watching of the weakest link lol

    fr paul harrison
