Saturday 10 February 2007

Lessons I Have Learned

...or not.

Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes: vanity of vanities, and all is vanity.

Allow me to recommend Ecclesiastes 1:11 for a follow-up... "There is no remembrance of former things: nor indeed of those things which hereafter are to come, shall there be any remembrance with them that shall be in the latter end."

It happens to me every time I decide to do my hair... ok, so what have I learned today?

Lesson 1. When dying hair, remember that Light Ash Blonde and Ash Blonde are not the same colour.

Lesson 2. If it says on the box "leave in for 20 minutes" then that is how long you leave it... not "about thirty minutes, oh hell is it forty minutes already?"

Lesson 3. Taking iron tablets for a month causes the hair chemistry to react differently with hair dye...


St. Alphonsus would probably have a few choice words to say on the matter as well!


  1. Oh, Mac...
    I admit to laughing aloud when I read your post, because it is written in such a good humor and lightheartedness, and the photo is so funny, and it's happened to me.

  2. Why thank you, Ma...

    ...however, I cannot tell a lie, I must confess that the photo is not mine!

  3. Anonymous6:39 pm

    Awww... poor you!

    Having a Mum as a hairdresser, I know your concerns.
